08 May 2008


Do you like eating out?

As an EXTRA ACTIVITY for unit 6 you'll have to write a role play and act it out in front of your class. The story will take place at the restaurant.

There will be three or four students in each group and the role play must be ready before the 23rd of May.

You may need some help with the VOCABULARY and EXPRESSIONS used at the restaurant.

Here are some helpful sites:
- VOCABULARY at the restaurant (and pronounciation practice)
- USEFUL SENTENCES: booking, ordering, paying, etc.

Now, you can watch this as an example.


Anonymous said...

Do we show you the text's dialogue before the role play?
Chari I've got a problem with the first link in the work about the future: I can't open the "Predictions in 1900"!!
I've got a doubt about the answer to exercise two. I don't know if I have to speak about all in general or if I have onlys speak about the boy's predictions where they say: 2020.
...waiting your answer
Thanks you!

Chari Fernández said...

- Yes, sure. I'll have a look at the dialogues if you want me to.
- Sorry about the problem with the page. I've changed the link. Now you'll get the original page of 1900 newspaper "The Ladies' home Journal".
- In exercise two you only have to write a few lines expressing your opinion about the children's predictions. Say, for instance, which ones surprised you the most, and why; what the basis for their predictions were, etc.. This activity is quite open.

I'm astonished that you're working on this now. You must be the only person in Bollullos not going to Rocío...!!!
Have fun this loooong wekend!